Monday, April 25, 2016

21st Century Illiteracy?

Looking for new ideas?  I found a goldmine of resources with definitions, project ideas, lesson plans, rubrics, and basically everything a teacher would need to implement project-based learning (PBL), blended learning (blending classroom and online instruction), and flipped learning.  I know that some teachers have been implementing these strategies in classrooms already, and others might be looking to learn more about these modern ways of learning.

The sites I am sharing are listed as resources on Google's training site for educators.  You can become more familiar with Google's tools, and how they apply to education, by clicking through the online training tutorials.  You can even sign up to take the exams and earn your badge as a certified "Google Educator."  This is how I learned what I know about Google's Apps for Education (G.A.F.E.) and I love working through the tutorials at my own pace.  It is a great training site to work on over summer!  What I love most is that the focus is not just "tech training,"  however it's how these tools can be used to enhance learning in your classroom. 

Here are the links as mentioned above:

The best skill we can teach our kids is how to find great tools and use them to improve our own skill set.  These resources are a great way to model that same approach to our own learning as educators in the 21st century.

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