Monday, February 29, 2016

Train wreck?

(I figured the subject heading might spark your curiosity!)

Inline image 3Ever grade student work and feel like it's a train wreck?  Either the student veers off in the wrong direction, or they have so many run-on sentences you can't keep up?

A great way to stop the train is with as much feedback as possible before it pulls into the station!

How do we do this with so little class time?  It's difficult to find time to check in and conference with kids as much as we would like.  But another way to give students feedback to guide assignments is with the comments feature built into Google.  If students share their writing before the due date, you can open the file and quickly add comments with thought provoking questions, corrections, guidance, or confidence-boosting, positive feedback.

These little digital stickie notes are an option on Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drawing.  The student also receives an email when a comment is posted to their work.  Comments can come from teachers or any peers they share the file with.

Here's a sample of what it looks like:

Inline image 1

Not sure why I chose the train wreck analogy, but I think it came from an adorable appetizer picture I saw on Pinterest this weekend!  See the whiteboard and yardstick in the background?  Of course a teacher would come up with something so adorable and creative!

                                                           Inline image 2


  1. Another really good tip. For some reason the images didn't come through.

    1. The images are the best part! If they don't show up after refreshing a few times, let me know and I'll check my end again.
