Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Connected Ed Month Week 2


Thank you to everyone who participated in Week 1 of Connected Ed Month.  To see a recap of last week’s survey to connect with other staff, click here.

During Week 2 of Connected Educator Month, we’re going to focus on utilizing educational blogs as resources.  Blogs are like reading short magazine articles of high interest to you! What blogs do you follow to get new ideas, find awesome resources, and rediscover your passion and energy for teaching?  To share the blogs that you follow, please visit the Connected Ed website and share on the padlet that most closely applies.

New to blogs? Click on the same link to read blog suggestions from other CCSD59 staff.

Thanks for connecting! #D59CEM

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Differentiation and Notifications in Google Classroom

Great News!  The two most frequently requested features have been added to Google Classroom!

  • 1) Individual assignments—Teachers can post work and announcements to individual students in a class. Sharing differentiated assignments will be much easier now!

  • 2) New teacher notifications—Teachers receive email and mobile notifications when a student submits late work or resubmits work. HOORAY!

These are great features to help increase organization and communication in the classroom!

Another tip I would like to share is to consider downloading the Google Classroom app to your smartphone.  You can take pictures or video with your phone and instantly share them as a post in Google Classroom.  No need for the extra step of trying to get the photos to your computer via email or the drive.  You can take pictures of notes you have on the board, anchor charts, and much more!  Posting these tools in your classroom provides a great resource location for kids to look back on, especially if they were absent in class. 

Monday, January 9, 2017

CCSD59 Connected Ed Month Week 1


For the next four weeks, the innovative learning department has created activities to help educators connect and share with each other. After all, working together is our best resource! There will be a different focus each week.

To kick off Week 1 of Connected Educators Month (CEM) the focus is building our Personal Learning Network (PLN).  Who do we continually learn and grow from?  

Here are the two activities for the week:

1) To share the people you consider a professional resource visit the CCSD59 Connected Ed website and select the appropriate poll.  Enter in the individual’s name and how you have benefitted from him or her.  If your person has already been mentioned vote him or her up.

2) If you have a class or professional Twitter handle or blog please share the information in the linked form.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 5th #D59Chat @8:00pm CST

Join the innovative learning team at CCSD59 for a #D59Chat on

Thursday, January 5th @8:00pm CST.  

This month's topic includes winter break reflective questions.  Join your colleagues for insight and ideas for the new year!

Describe your winter break in 5 emojis (or words!) or less.
Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Will you keep it?
The new year is all about making goals. What is one goal you have for yourself as a learner as we continue through the school year? 
What strategies/lessons help kids readjust to returning to school after a break? 
Your best, weirdest, or favorite family tradition during the holidays.
Read anything good over break? What’s your favorite book or blog?
The holidays are full of good sales and teachers love a good deal! What thrifty hacks help your classroom? (ie. Who doesn’t love dollar store bins for books?!)
Winter months can be hard with indoor recess and all the winter gear! Share your tips and tricks!